Table of Contents
- Browser: Firefox
- Fonts: Ubunto Mono
- WM: Xmonad
- Bar: Xmobar
- Terminal: Kitty
- Editor: Neovim
- Shell: Fish
- Prompt: Startship
- Viewer: Zathura
- Notification: Dunst
These are the basic keybinds. Read through the .xmonad/xmonad.hs
file for more keybinds like increasing gaps and restoring gaps.
Keybind | Function |
Super + Enter | launch terminal (kitty) |
Super + Shift + Enter | opens run launcher (XMonad’s shell xprompt) |
Super + Shift + q | Close window |
Super + SPACE | toggles fullscreen on/off |
Super + 1-9 | switch focus to workspace (1-9) |
Super + SHIFT + 1-9 | send focused window to workspace (1-9) |
Super + Shift + r | restarts xmonad |
Super + j | Navigate through windows |
Super + k | Navigate through windows |
Super + SHIFT + j | windows swap down |
Super + SHIFT + k | windows swap up |
Super + h | shrink window |
Super + l | expand window |
Super + TAB | Switch through layouts |
Super + T | Make a floating window tiled |
Alright, let’s get to the main stuff. These are the dependencies needed after installing ArcoLinux Xmonad edition.
From Arch Linux’s official repositories:
sudo pacman -S cbatticon cmus dunst exa exfatprogs firefox fish fzf gvfs intel-undervolt kitty lxappearance lxsession maim mpv ncdu nitrogen neovim pacman-contrib papirus-icon-theme pcmanfm picom profile-sync-daemon ranger redshift starship steam syncthing thefuck tlp ttf-font-awesome ttf-ubuntu-font-family ueberzug unclutter upower vlc xclip xdotool xorg-xbacklight xorg-xinput youtube-dl zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf
- cbatticon
- cmus (:bind -f common u shell ~/bin/
- dunst
- exa (A modern replacement for ls)
- exfatprogs
- firefox
- fish
- fzf
- gvfs
- intel-undervolt
- kitty
- lxappearance
- lxsession
- maim
- mpv
- ncdu
- nitrogen
- neovim
- pacman-contrib
- papirus-icon-theme
- pcmanfm
- picom
- profile-sync-daemon
- ranger
- redshift
- starship
- steam
- syncthing
- thefuck
- tlp (systemctl enable –now tlp.service)
- ttf-font-awesome
- ttf-ubuntu-font-family
- ueberzug
- unclutter
- upower
- vlc
- xclip
- xdotool
- xorg-xbacklight
- xorg-xinput
- youtube-dl
- zathura
- zathura-pdf-mupdf
From Arch Linux’s AUR:
paru -S auto-cpufreq clipit cryptomator-bin ferdi-bin joplin-desktop nerd-fonts-mononoki timeshift timeshift-autosnap vscodium-bin
- auto-cpufreq
- clipit
- cryptomator-bin
- ferdi-bin
- joplin-desktop
- nerd-fonts-mononoki
- timeshift
- timeshift-autosnap
- vscodium-bin
Disclaimer ⚠️
All of the configs and scripts in this repo belong to my personal setup. None of them is guaranteed to work properly on your machine, so use them carefully and responsibly, and as always remember to make backups. Other than that, feel free to take inspiration or include them in your setup.